
TermiKnowledge - Supply Chain, Procurement and Inventory Terminologies
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CIOP online sessions are conducted in a well-organized manner. The online sessions are conducted on Saturdays, between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM (Indian Standard Time). There will be two breaks during the session. First break at 8:00 PM for 15 minutes and the second break at 9:00 PM for 10 minutes. The participants will join the program through the link sent to them well in advance and they get reminder notifications. First reminder a day before the session and the second reminder one-hour before the session. The participants will be able to see the presentation and the writings of the faculty at the same time. The faculty delivers the program through a smart board and the participants will be able to access both the presentation used by the faculty and his notes at the ends of the session through Fhyzics’ Learning Management System (LMS).


With advancements in technology and new applications, computer accessibility has become an increasingly important consideration for businesses. In fact, it is becoming more important than ever to ensure that persons with disabilities have easy access to all programs and activities of daily use. The use of computer systems for e-business has resulted in the development of various software programs specifically designed to make the process of application development and supply chain management more accessible to persons who have impaired vision. Computer user groups are increasingly representing the business community at conventions and trade shows, helping to spread the awareness of increased demand for software applications that make the production and distribution of goods and services more easily accessible to people with impaired visions.

The increased use of computer systems and computer software applications, often developed by specially trained users, is having a profound effect on the way companies operate.

The term "accessibility" refers to the equal opportunity to use public facilities, buildings, and spaces that provide equal access to disabled persons as well as persons with normal vision or hearing ability. Computer software developers have been particularly creative in designing software applications that make the production process of business much easier for people who have been physically impaired. In the past, people often had to experience a great deal of difficulty in order to achieve a certain level of success in the business world. In recent years, however, technological developments have made it increasingly possible for people with various types of disabilities to compete in the business world. As a result, the issue of "accessibility" has become more important than ever.

In order for a person with a physical disability to have equal access to computer systems, equipment, and information, a usable website that uses easily-understood language and that is designed according to the needs of the particular user should be developed. This website will provide easy to understand text, graphics, audio, video, links, and other elements that will make it very easy for people to use the website. It is also extremely important that web accessibility is maintained at all times. People with disabilities may not be able to use all of the technology that is available to them, so it is important that their use of it is strictly limited to the extent that it is actually necessary. Otherwise, a site will only serve to provide a false impression to people who are not disabled that they have equal access to many of the same technological conveniences that others around them are able to enjoy.

Certified Inventory Optimization Professional 

CIOP is an end-to-end supply chain certification that contains 30 modules such as Introduction to Supply Chain Management, All About Inventory, Production Planning System, Strategic Business Planning, Sales & Operations Planning, Master Scheduling, Material Requirements Planning, Demand Management, Capacity Management, Forecasting, Production Activity Control, Procurement, Order Quantities, Independent Demand Ordering Systems, Warehouse Management, Transportation Management, Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Introduction to Quality, Introduction to Packaging, Introduction to Process, Lean, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, Theory of Constraints, Supply Chain Technologies, Supply Chain Techniques, Industry 4.0, International Standards and Supply Chain Risk, Safety and Security. 

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CIOP Knowledge Series

One-Minute Supply Chain Facts

The most recent video is available here. To access the past videos in the One-Minute Supply Chain Facts Series, please click the playlist icon located on the Top-Right of the video.




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