Product Tree

TermiKnowledge - Supply Chain, Procurement and Inventory Terminologies
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The Product Tree is an interesting visual tool which brings gamification into product management not just to production but also to inventory but it s way beyond just a game tool to be used in an online store. The branches of the Product Tree constitute the product s basic functionalities, the roots are the needs needed to support these branches, and the outer leaves represent ideas for new capabilities. Gamification can be applied not only to inventory but also to the entire supply chain of a business. The best gamification techniques are related to the needs of the business and are integrated with supply chain management and production process improvement to make them work together.

In traditional supply chain management (SCM), the Product Tree shows the entire chain as a tree with the roots at the bottom and the product stored or produced at the top. In such cases, it is not enough to know how the product is obtained but also how the supply chain is managed. If you only know where the product ends up after it is manufactured, you will not be able to optimize your production process or improve your logistics.

In production process optimization, it is important to prioritize tasks to ensure that everything is done right. The Product Tree Template helps you prioritize by showing you the branches of your tree so you can easily see which products need to be produced first. It can be used for gamification in a number of situations: for example, when you are planning your inventory, prioritize according to what you need next and use the Product Tree template to determine which products will help you achieve your goals. Or if you want to get a good idea of how your production process is optimized, just check the Product Tree and see if there are any new methods that you can adopt to improve production and improve your bottom line.

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