Preferred Supplier

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Many companies across the country are in need of a Preferred Supplier or Vendor. Essentially, a preferred supplier or Vendor list is a list of pre-approved, agreed upon suppliers that your company will utilize to buy goods and services from, with the understanding that these suppliers will support the goals and objectives of your organization. If you are trying to establish a Supplier or Vendor list, there are a number of methods you can utilize to establish your short list. Warehouse and distribution warehouses throughout the country provide numerous opportunities for establishing a Supplier or Vendor List.

The most common method used to establish a Supplier or Vendor List involves working with the employer organization of the travel agency or the supplier that is the chosen choice of the clientele. Often times, the work that travel agencies do is outsourced, which allows for organizations like these to establish a preferred supplier list without having to have a full time relationship with these organizations. Many of these organizations have established relationships with other entities in the travel industry and may be willing to provide you with their preferred supplier list in exchange for your work.

Another option for establishing a preferred supplier list involves contracting with other companies or individuals that are considered a 'top' alternative suppliers. The contracting process allows for the organization to enter into an agreement with these suppliers so that they agree to supply your company with goods and services at a discounted rate if you choose them as a preferred supplier list provider. This discounted rate is typically between ten and thirty percent of the price that the merchandise would normally cost. The benefits of this process is that the company that contracts with you will receive discounted merchandise, while you will receive reduced pricing from a company that you did not contract with directly. By establishing a Preferred Supplier or Vendor List, you will be able to save thousands of dollars per year by outsourcing your supplier contracting needs to a third-party service provider.

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