This chapter describes the planning and order management aspects of a complete supply chain management system that includes all of the stages of product development, manufacturing, logistics, shipping, customer service and final delivery. This process is usually described with four stages as separate entities - Planning, Procurement, Production and Delivery. Each stage has to be understood thoroughly in order to effectively control processes. This chapter explains how to: Set up source documents. Establish vendor-controlled templates for inventory control. Create consolidated item catalogs.
This chapter talks about four topics in detail: forecasting, order scheduling, project management, and money management. Forecasting refers to both initial cost estimates as well as updating cost estimates after the project has begun. Order scheduling involves communicating with suppliers and finding a cost estimate. Project management involves managing materials, estimating costs, scheduling work, controlling expenses, and testing and correcting the project after completion.
This chapter provides some tips and ideas for accomplishing an effective inventory control. It also demonstrates various ways to combine material planning, production planning, and final delivery procedures. The book concludes by describing material planning bills and how to control costs associated with them. These include scheduling bills, material management, material planning, and cost control for inventory control.